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The glass on my stove goes should not go black and sooty
Blackened glass usually means you are not burning the wood hot enough. Ask your local professional sweep to show you how to control your stove.
Burning pine or softwoods on my fire is bad for the chimney
It’s just not true, all wood is bad for the chimney if wet or if it’s not burned hot enough. Burn it at a reasonable temperature and you won’t have problems. A stove thermometer is cheap and will help you.
Burning pine or softwoods on my fire is bad for the chimney
It’s just not true, all wood is bad for the chimney if wet or if it’s not burned hot enough. Burn it at a reasonable temperature and you won’t have problems. A stove thermometer is cheap and will help you.
Storing logs round my fire helps them to dry out
Please don’t do this, it really is unsafe. We see some unfortunate consequences of this every year.
The glass on my stove goes should not go black and sooty
Blackened glass usually means you are not burning the wood hot enough. Ask your local professional sweep to show you how to control your stove.
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