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Do’s and Don’ts

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Fast Fact

Kindling burns vigorously because it has a large surface to volume ratio.

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Bring the stove to operating temperature quickly and try to keep it there

 Use dry wood – 20% moisture or less

Use manufacturer’s recommended fuels Sweep your chimney regularly. A professional sweep can give lots of useful extra advice.

Store and stack your logs so they are well ventilated

Use a thermometer, moisture meter and stove fan to help improve efficiency, save money and reduce pollution

 Do fit a Carbon Monoxide alarm. This has nothing to do with how the fire burns, it’s just common sense

If you have an older or inefficient stove or one that’s too powerful, consider replacing it with a modern efficient model. You’ll instantly begin to save money and burn cleaner

Don’t close off the air to “slumber” the fuel for long periods or overnight

Don’t use large logs – 4 to 6 inch / 100 to 150mm diameter is best

Don’t burn wood or coal on open fires in Smoke Control Areas

 Unless you have just lit or just refuelled the fire, don’t allow smoke to come from the top of the chimney

 Don’t buy a stove which is too big (too powerful) for the room. You’ll get too hot and be likely to shut the air controls too much. The burning temperature will drop, fuel is wasted and pollution increased

Don’t be tempted to fit or alter any part of a solid fuel system yourself – it’s far too easy to get something wrong!

Don’t mix smokeless fuel and wood, you won’t get the best from either fuel

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